Batukamma Celebrations-2024
Batukamma Celebrations staff-2024
Parents Meeting - 2023
Awreness Program on Cyber Crime
Mentoring is a process for the informal transmissin of knowledge, social capital and physio-social support perceived by the recepient as relevant to work, career or professional development.
Mentoring entails informal communication, usually face to face and during a sustained perios of time, between a person who is perceived to have greater relavant knowledge, wisdom on experience.
1. The purpose of giving student councelling is to give the student information on matters to her success.
2. To get information about students, which will be of help in solving their problems.
3. To establish a feeling of mutual understanding between a student and a teacher.
4. To help the students to know herslf better, her interests, abilities,aptitudes and opportunities.
5. To help the students work out a plan for soving their difficulties.
6. Teacher helps the students to become more mature and more active to help the student move forward in a positive and constructive way to help the student towards socialization.
Mentoring Techniques
The focus of mentoring is to developthe whole person and so the techniques are broad and require wisdom inorder to be used appropriately.
1. Accompanying:Making a commitment in a caring way, which involves taking part in the learning process side-by-side with the learner.
2. Saying:Saying is necessary when you know that what you say may not be understood or even acceptable to learners at first but will make sense and have value to be the mentee the situation requires it.
3. Catalysing:When change reaches a critical level of pressure, learning can escalate. Mentor makes the learner to think in a different way, a change in identity or RE-ORDERING OF VALUES.
4. Showing:This is making something understandable or using your own example to demonstrate a skill or activity. You show what you are talking about or you show by your own behaviour.
5. Havesting:Here the mentor focusses on "Picking the ripe fruit, it is usually used to cretae awareness of what was learned by esperience and to draw conclusions. the key questions are"What have uou learned?","How useful is it?"
Role of Mentor in Guiding the Student
"Teacher as the master of guidence or Counsellor, Student as the counsellor or the client"--- is lik--"Helping John to see through himself in order to see himself through".
The main aim is to transform the students as complete citizens and equip them to become intellectually efficient, globally competent and socially sensitive. To achieve this, several skill oriented courses, capacity building workshops are conducted to enable the students to achieve the required core competencies in various fields.
Shaping the institution into a center for excellence.
Education for competence, confidence, creativity.
Let the noble thoughts come from every direction